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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Christmas, New Year, and welcome to 2006
Christmas and NY06 have been and gone, had a loverly time. Hope you all had a happy time too. Here's some other pics of the season There is a whole new suite of Blytheness at Flickr. Digital camera just loves them. Christmas shoes - he he he! Thanks Barb and Chris, you know me so well, and thanks to everyone for your lovely presents. You are all too kind! Love to everyone for 2006.
Ah, so these are the Christmas shoes. Very nice. I see that the Blythes have acquired more furniture. Chairs, coffee table, and narnia-like wardrobe. I do wonder whether the aerial view really has much to do with Ethel Merman. Were you perhaps thinking of Esther Williams?
Ah, so these are the Christmas shoes. Very nice. I see that the Blythes have acquired more furniture. Chairs, coffee table, and narnia-like wardrobe.
I do wonder whether the aerial view really has much to do with Ethel Merman. Were you perhaps thinking of Esther Williams?
5:08 pm
...Oh and also, you seem to have a fluffy christmas tree growing out of the top of your head.
5:11 pm
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