Freudian Frankenfurters
I have some corker dreams ... In one of my most recent I was at Cannes film festival, sitting a few seats down from Bret and Jemaine of FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS fame. We were all eating massive frankfurters. I couldn't finish mine as it was too big and offered it to them. They declined. Later I won the Palme D'or ...
Recent articles and sites of interest:
- Racism in the beauty industry
- Scary new dieting technique by diabetics
- Cool article on making clothes and costumes from The Age - steampunk fashion, based on fantasy fiction set in Victorian England during the steam power era looks particularly fetching
- Find out more about the Cylons.
- Word Wenches

Some poetic gems:
Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
(Not waving but drowning, Stevie Smith)
I am part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled
world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move
(Ulysses, Tennyson)
For Lycidas your sorrow is not dead,
Sunk though he be
beneath the watry floar,
(Lycidas, Milton)
I want to do with you
what spring does to cherry trees
(Pablo Neruda)
You're a serious
mistake in a nightie,
You're a grave disappointment all round
(God, a poem - James Fenton)
Labels: dreams poems
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