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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Salon: I heart Brian de Bois-Guilbert

My recent posts on Christchurch City Libraries
The Fire Gospel by Michel Faber - "a visceral read - literally - blood, guts and the byproducts of humanity"
I've got a crush on you - literary crushes - "You can rely on The Guardian’s fab books section to come up with some entertaining mind teasers. This one is fun Who is your literary crush? (my favourite answer comes from filleperdu ”I wouldn’t mind trying to make Morse happy”). Alas I discovered it too late to add my pick. I hate to be a cliche and pick a bad boy but … my once and future lit lover is Brian de Bois-Guilbert from Ivanhoe.
and the New Romantics - autobiographies from Tony Hadley, Adam Ant etc

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Blogger Marie Cloutier said...

that's a great article. i added it to my facebook. i think my crush is David Sedaris, and my girl crush is Ellen Litman. :-)

1:55 am


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