Big ups to Sar, and her cool Knoxville musings being published on Pulse.
Went to the doctor today for my back. She reckons something about faceted joints. I'm getting physio, first time ever for dealing with ACC and the like.
Laid up on the couch meant dvd watching ahoy. My tally of telly madness:
Day of the Triffids - wonderful, John Duttine is the most luscious advertisement for beard ever

Shaun of the Dead - perfection. With a cornetto.
Top Gear - the wonderful German woman tries to go round the Nurburgring in under 10 minutes, and nearly succeeds.
Formula One - Kimi comes from 17th on the grid, to win. Now that was a race.

Stephen Fry on depression:
So what did he take from his "great episode" of depression? His answer proves one thing about Stephen Fry. As knowledgeable, chatty, and well-read as he is about the world, he's never so eloquent as when waxing philosophical about what matters to the self.
"I would say that it's weather, that it's not something that comes from inside you. It's something that happens almost randomly. It's pointless trying to track it. That doesn't make it less real, though.
"The point about an incident of depression like that is not that it's unreal. It's as real as a storm. But like a storm, it will pass. The key is to be prepared for the moment when it happens, to treat it like a storm. It's not your fault that it's raining. It's not your fault. Nor is it to your credit that it's sunny. The point is that it will rain and it will be sunny and that things shift.
"That (self-blame) happens with people who have a late onset of depression. They think it's connected to something to do with them, that they're the cause, that it's their inadequacy. They also think that it will never pass. I think, therefore, the weather metaphor is a good one."
What is with the Kimi fixation? I know that he is blond and pixi-like but I fail to see how this is interesting for more than 5 minutes. You want a real man, like Grizzly Adams or Ed Bundy!
6:00 pm
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