Smock my bitch up

Blog idol contestant Mo Mo had this to say Let’s get ready to ruuummmbbbbble!. VOTE FOR MOATA!
On the mashup tip, might I recommend this Sgt Pepper collection at mashuptown and Go Home Productions This was Pop. + teaching indie kids to dance again - Nirvana goes electro.
Lovely advert for Melbourne. Music is apparently by Joanna Newsom.
I loved the wild enthusiasm of this announcement:
Ground Breaking New Cleaning Regime at *****
Monday 3rd September sees a completely new approach to cleaning at the
**** Offices and the **** Building.
Following European Best Practice all our cleaning will be done in the day time. A new team of dedicated cleaners will begin at 0630 (team one) and will be on site until 1800 each working day (team two). ***** is the first organisation in the City to introduce a system that promises marked quality improvements and significant energy savings. You will get to know the *** staff as they will be part of our everyday operations. Please make them welcome and help them find their way about
this warren of a building. Thank you.

Pee yourself over Passive Aggressive Notes ... and pedantic fun at Quotation Marks ... and Bits on the side.
I love The Age (Melbourne) blog Third Best. They are scoping Fashion Week at the mo. ThE gentleman above was modelling at the Leopold show. You know black grundies with white shoes will be the way to go this summer. Keep your fashion footprint light and tight!
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