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Monday, February 25, 2008

Peppermint Bunny & Gingham

The latest Petite release ... Miss Peppermint Bunny. Her gingham ears rock.

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Blogger S. Toogod Tobetrue said...

I think you're getting me addicted to these things. I sure do like them ears.

Oh yeah bad news/good news on the Alan Moore front: Bad news is it's not appropriate for our current (teen only) collection. Good news: It's entirely appropriate for our soon-to-be-established adult graphic novel collection, and I'm going to be the buyer for it. Whee!

7:50 pm

Blogger Kebabette said...

Gosh let me know when you get one and go to the dark side! They have them at Iko Iko apparently.

I'm highly impressed your library is getting Lost Girls; let me know of any good find when you're buying for that collection - what an ace job!

5:58 pm

Blogger S. Toogod Tobetrue said...

I don't know, I think I'll just go for admire from afar at the moment... it's a pretty dark side to turn to.

Whatever I find will include a lot of yummy Mr Moore and also Mr. Ellis. I'll keep you posted!

9:35 pm


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