I've moved ...
to wordpress http://kebabette.wordpress.com/
I still love you blogger but all my other work blogs are over there ...
See you there peeps!
keeping it lite - petite blythes, books, telly,
fashion, photography, funny stuff, mordant
irony, morbid delectations, art&music
and all the things i like ...
to wordpress http://kebabette.wordpress.com/
Ok tonight is clearly the night for silly picture making. Thanks Mo-mo for providing a flock of giggles with yearbookyourself.com
Mad Men is hotter than a cloud of foxes.
These are my two favourite songs to sing to Sabrina.
I love this photo of Sabrina. Never thought I'd say this but respect to Anne Geddes cos babies are hard to capture with a camera. Phenomenal cuteness! She's trying to say some words, it came out like "brrm brrm" so maybe she's taking an early interest in motor sports ...
In the era of the remix and the mashup, the way the designer Fornasetti worked and reworked this same face is inspirational.
Labels: fornasetti
Busby Berkeley stylee babies
... to Moata for winning a Qantas Media Award for her Blog Idle. Totally deserved, she shows those celeb bloggers how it's done - with a styling vocabulary and turn of phrase, plus sharp and smart observations.
I can't remember where I got this recipe from, but it's the bomb: