Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Holy Grail-ing
I saw Tiger Tones twice last week - on Friday at Chartfest in the Christchurch Town Hall, and on Sunday avo at Real Groovy. Big thumbs up!
Monty Python & Holy Grail - in Lego
Phrasing of the week: "instead staring down at him like the world's geekiest emperor on his friggen nerd-chariot" from Library Mofo
Another example of comments becoming a forest of fun on their own: they are attached to a mention of former Gawker blogger Emily Gould's raw "Blog-Post Confidential" essay in the upcoming New York Times Magazine, she was photographed by Elinor Carucci, who specializes in "portraits of everyday female vulnerability". It's all very Meow, esp. "I wonder if the Girl-Blogger-Pretending-To-Be-Asleep pose is the literary (and I use that term loosely) equivalent to the FHM/Maxim Hot-Chick-Pulling-Her-Underthings-Down pose."
All about music in American Psycho.
Essential for imaging lovers - PicLens, thanks to Paulio for the heads up. Ideal for anyone with Flickr or Deviant art accounts.
Safe sex poster boys
I love Klimt, and he's always a fashion inspiration
Labels: funny stuff, monty python, piclens
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
There hasn't been much news on the Blythe front for a while but now it's fiesta time:
- A mushroomy girl called Charlotte Champignon
- My best friend petite
Neither of this one particularly feels like the Blythe drought breaker ... but there is big temptation in the form of twins: CWC Limited Edition Anniversary Petite Blythe "Denizens of the Lake Suzie Sugar" Pink and Green and more especially the flower fairy girl Petite Blythe "Denizens of the Lake Lily Wild":
Labels: blythe, petite blythe, petite blythes
Friday, May 16, 2008
Where it's at

Kia ora, I'm blogging me wee heart out at The Auckland Writers and Readers Festival ...
We are posing with Junot Diaz, author of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.
Monday, May 05, 2008
This tasty little specimen was courtesy of The Cupcake Parlour. Cupcakes at the Cupcake Parlour with its floral pretty decor was a girly counterpoint to attending Armageddon (the sci fi comic convention). Met up with Mo Mo and Tulip and we met various stormtroopers and comic book characters, saw the radioactive guy from Heroes and some Stargate chaps talk.
If you want to make your own fancypants cupcakes, I'd recommend the Crabtree Bakery Cupcake cookbook. The Crabtree Bakery is in Melbourne and their pretty cupcakes are legendary. I've a soft spot for the musk flavoured ones.
And here's another addition to my Robert Palmer chick-alike videos - Foals "Balloons" - nice when the Robert Palmer girls are done up in lovely 1920s style (they come in at about 1:52) ...

Labels: armageddon, cupcakes, foals