Bringing sexyback
Beautiful floor length kaftans, kitten shirts, waltz length loungers ... Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you with First Lady Fashion ...

keeping it lite - petite blythes, books, telly,
fashion, photography, funny stuff, mordant
irony, morbid delectations, art&music
and all the things i like ...
Beautiful floor length kaftans, kitten shirts, waltz length loungers ... Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you with First Lady Fashion ...
Labels: chandeliers
First up, big congrats to my sister Sarah for having her play The Bar at the end of the world put on in Auckland as part of PlayRight07
Labels: "rita sue", "tamsin cooper", fashion, hosiery, socks, theatre
I've been sans home pc for a while. My c drive had meltdown ... still, offers an opportunity for some tidying and culling. I've added a flickr badge (see right).
Labels: funny, television, web sites