Words Deshabille
Quite enjoyed this posting on the joy of words. My contribs were:
Of course, there are so many delicious wordy trinkets. Deshabille just occured to me ...
Labels: words
keeping it lite - petite blythes, books, telly,
fashion, photography, funny stuff, mordant
irony, morbid delectations, art&music
and all the things i like ...
Quite enjoyed this posting on the joy of words. My contribs were:
Labels: words
Labels: blythe, dance, petite blythe, petite blythes
My colleague Simone makes the most delicioso Afghans. No need for wussy icing or walnuts when you make them with Valrhona Dutch cocoa. So very very good.
Labels: aji, chocolate, funny, guilty pleasures, schoc
Shame on you Christchurch Casino: Christchurch Casino says it is reviewing its dress code and was already doing so when it received a complaint from a woman who says she was "humiliated" after being asked to cover her ample breasts..
Labels: breasts, news, television
Dang I am just so entranced by the art of the mash. Yeah there is some average crap, but when it is done well it is something wicked this way coming. A heads up and heartfelt thumbs up to Go home productions and Mark Vidler. It is fabulous stuff, and is all currently available for download.
Labels: breasts, drawn together, funny, generators, news, web sites
As usual there is a spunky little crop of the wee gels on the Blythe site. Purty.
Labels: blythe, petite blythe, petite blythes
Ground Breaking New Cleaning Regime at *****
Monday 3rd September sees a completely new approach to cleaning at the
**** Offices and the **** Building.
Following European Best Practice all our cleaning will be done in the day time. A new team of dedicated cleaners will begin at 0630 (team one) and will be on site until 1800 each working day (team two). ***** is the first organisation in the City to introduce a system that promises marked quality improvements and significant energy savings. You will get to know the *** staff as they will be part of our everyday operations. Please make them welcome and help them find their way about
this warren of a building. Thank you.